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更新/演講日期:2023-10-06 發佈人:鐘晨 瀏覽人數:181

主題:Technology-enhanced Instruction
日期:2023年10月5日(四)中午12-14點 (實體,敬備餐點)
講者:Rey Ceron Mendez
地點:中央大學綜教館1F 「寫作中心教室」 (O-121,語言中心旁)

Current trends in education state that the use of technology enhances the students´ learning process. To accomplish this, instructors should integrate multimedia materials, online platforms, interactive software, and virtual simulations to facilitate and maximize the learning process. By leveraging technology, educators create more engaging and interactive learning experiences, personalize instruction, and provide students with opportunities for active participation and collaboration. In this workshop, instructors will learn techniques to include technology-enhanced instruction in their lessons. Moreover, in our workshop, we will discuss the following interactive apps: Socrative, Nearpod, and Slido, which promote Technology-enhanced Instruction.


主題:Teaching & presentation skills
日期:2023年10月18日(三)中午12-14點 (實體,敬備餐點)
講者:Genevieve Leung
地點:中央大學教研大樓 4F Idea 空間

This workshop will cover effective teaching and presentation skills for the university context. Drawing on key public speaking techniques, participants will first view and discuss examples from real lectures and practice developing more clear presentations, including slide buildout and written and oral signposting. Participants will be provided with signposting templates for classroom application.


主題:Translanguaging in EMI
講者:Genevieve Leung

What does it really mean to engage in translanguaging (跨語言)? How and when do we “跨” our 語言s in university-level contexts? Do we “跨” differently as teachers than we do in our lives outside the classroom? In this workshop we will cover these questions and recent research and developments in translanguaging research at the EMI level. We will view and discuss classroom video clips and transcripts. Participants will be provided with practical tips for classroom application.


主題:Enhancing Interaction with Students using Interactive Tasks
講者:Rey Ceron Mendez

Enhancing interaction with students using interactive tasks involves the use of various engaging activities and exercises to promote active participation and collaboration in the learning process. These tasks are designed to encourage students to interact with the subject matter, their peers, and the instructor. Interactive tasks can take different forms, such as group discussions, problem-solving activities, hands-on experiments, role-playing exercises, and multimedia presentations. In this workshop, we will discuss how to integrate a dynamic learning environment that fosters student engagement using your Learning Management System (ee-class), Socrative and Critical Thinking Activities in your lessons.

National Central University Bilingual Education Center
Tel: +886-3-4227151 ext. 33835