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更新/演講日期:2022-09-07 發佈人:鐘晨 瀏覽人數:330

In light of the need for internationalization and the 2030 Bilingual Nation policy, the Center for Teaching and Learning Development, NTNU would like to invite you to join us in our monthly EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction) Workshops. The workshops offer faculty and doctoral students in higher education institutions an opportunity to participate in a systematic discussion about EMI and to reflect on their own EMI practices, with a goal of improving the overall quality and applied knowledge of English instruction.


☆ 10月11日 (二) 實體+Google Meet直播
◆ 講題: EMI Assessment
◆ 主講人: 柯琦專案助理教授 (國立臺灣師範大學師資培育學院)
◆ 時間:16:30-18:00
◆ 地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館校區綜合大樓五樓綜509國際會議廳
◆ 報名截止日期:10月5日 (三)
◆ 會後提供「實體參與者」蛋奶素點心餐盒及精美禮品。

★ 10月26日 (三) 實體
◇ 講題: Towards a context-sensitive approach to EMI professional development: From conceptualization to operationalization
◇ 主講人: 張心瑜助理教授 (國立臺灣大學外國語文學系)
◇ 時間:12:30-14:00
◇ 地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館校區教育大樓二樓教201演講廳
◇ 報名截止日期:10月20日 (四)
◇ 會後提供蛋奶素點心餐盒。


【Workshops Information in October】

☆ Workshop on Tuesday, October 11th (physical session plus live streaming via Google Meet)
◆ Topic: EMI Assessment
◆ Speaker: Keith Graham (College of Teacher Education, National Taiwan Normal University)
◆ Time: 16:30-18:00
◆ Venue: Conference Hall 509, 5F, Union Building I, No 129, Sec. 1, Heping East Rd., Taipei City
◆ End date of registration: Wednesday, October 5th
◆ Pastry boxes and CTLD giveaways will be provided to physical participants after the event.

★ Workshop on Wednesday, October 26th (physical only)
◇ Topic: Towards a context-sensitive approach to EMI professional development: From conceptualization to operationalization
◇ Speaker: Sin-Yi Chang (Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University)
◇ Time:12:30-14:00
◇ Venue: Lecture Hall 201, 2F, Education Building, No 129, Sec. 1, Heping East Rd., Taipei City
◇ End date of registration: Thursday, October 20th
◇ Pastry boxes will be provided after the event.

Please note that these workshops will be conducted in English.